Sunday, 30 June 2013


It has been one year since my last trip back to Canada.  It has been a busy, difficult, sometimes lonely, and often stressful year.  After a year in the desert I am dreaming of my bare feet walking on Canadian soil, of smelling the seaweed and salt of the ocean, hearing the cry of the seagulls, and soaking up the sight of the mountains.  I miss my city on the sea.  I miss my friends.  But, more than anything, I miss my daughters. 

I have three daughters residing in three different provinces, so this summer is going to be a series of long road trips, which is fine with me - another thing I’ve missed here in Saudi Arabia is my car - and my constitutional right to drive it! 

My journey will start in Comox, British Columbia, where I will be picking my little Hyundai Accent up from my 2nd mom’s place before driving down island to my hometown of Victoria.  My youngest daughter is already there visiting friends and we’ve arranged - as I don’t have a Canadian cell phone - that I will phone her when I leave Comox (thank god there are still a few old fossils like me who actually possess land line telephones!) and she will expect me 2 ½ hours later.  Last year, on my first day behind the wheel, I got a speeding ticket (“111 in an 80 zone is a little excessive, don’t you think, mam?”) going down that mountain highway ; it will take every ounce of willpower I have not to put the pedal to the medal this trip! Jordyn and I are going to meet in one of our favourite places - which also happens to have been a favourite hangout of mine when I was a teenager - Saxepoint Park.  I’ve been picturing this reunion for months.  The park is on the ocean; if it’s a clear day I’ll be able to see the mountains, I’ll hear the gulls and inhale the ocean smells, maybe even kick off my shoes and wiggle my toes in the grass - after I’ve done the most important thing of course - wrapped my baby in my arms and squeezed her tight!!   Then I’ll inspect her brand new tattoo and decide whether I’m going to play disapproving mother - “Really, Jordyn?”  or hip mother - “Cool tat, Jordyn.”  Any suggestions, moms out there?         


  1. Hi Lindsay, This is a really heartwarming blog:-) I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award:, I look forward to reading more:-)
