Thursday, 8 September 2011


I have met people this past week from all over the world; New Zealand (a little burst of enthusiastic energy!), Australia, South Africa (wonderfully friendly ladies), Kenya, France, Romania(a very nice gentleman who helped me carry a heavy load of books up two flights of stairs), England(an interesting, eclectic group), Scotland, Cuba, the U.S.(including a wonderful Minnesotan/Kuwaiti who helped me decorate my classroom today!), even a fellow Canadian(she's from Toronto, Elaine!).  Some of my new acquaintances are "newbies" like me, some have spent a decade or more in the Middle East, some have spent the last 5-10 years teaching and travelling all over the world - I am awed and inspired.  I have encountered so much warmth and enthusiasm since arriving, I know am going to learn so much from this diverse group of people, that a belief I have always held(which was planted by my globe-trotting father)has been reinforced - travel is an education!  I am ready to be educated - and ready to also meet and make friends with people who are native to this fascinating country that will be my home for the next year.  Life is good - hot - but good!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you are meeting interesting new people and getting settled in!
    Love and miss you mom!
